Rosanna Rios Perez (b. 1982, Venezuela) is an artist specialising in traditional Japanese dyeing techniques katazome and yūzen. After learning these techniques in Kyoto, she focused on developing a corpus of work that used old dyeing methods in a contemporary format. She continued research on Japanese textile artists at Kyoto Seika University, where she received her doctoral degree. 
Rosanna’s work crosses different mediums, including installation, textiles, and drawing. Within her work, she explores the relationship between humans and nature and their correlation in daily life, addressing diverse themes such as identity, memory, life and death. In recent works, she used rice resist paste, nori, on her body to make unique traces on silk or cotton fabric. Through this process, she conveys ideas related to the transience of human existence, our impact on the environment and how ancient forms of knowledge, informed in the second burial ritual performed by the Wayuu people, refer to other forms of sacredness.  
She has participated in several exhibitions worldwide, including the VI Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art “AIR” - Diego Rivera Museo Anahuacalli (México), “Textile Art of Today” International textile exhibition (Student Award)- Danubiana Museum, (Slovakia), Setouchi Art Triennale -Takamijima (Japan), and” Interlacing of Continents Salon” - Miami International Fine Arts (US), amongst others.
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