Our memory is fragile, but we always seek to capture moments insatiably.
Materialising an instant, immortalising it to see it perish again, is a cycle to which we have become accustomed as a human race.

At times, we seem to recover from the lethargy of corporeality, but our senses prod us to discover the opposite. We are still in the languid reverie where our throes overwhelm us. Touching, smelling, or tasting has never been such a profane exercise. It is as if each new predicament makes us rediscover our dormant senses, only to fall back into the same paradigms. We continue to grow in meanings, debates, and issues to overcome without facing what is most urgent: that which makes us human. 

Our world, visually charged with distractors, is dubious and growingly void. Let us enter a realm of precarious but meaningful envisioning that will enable us to purge ourselves from the excess.
Being trapped in the ouroboros seems to be no longer satisfying.

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